K6 Performance Testing Tutorial: Common Functions (1) - HTTP Request, Metrics and Checks

The article provides a detailed exploration of the HTTP request functionality in K6, dissecting common performance metrics and check features. Learn how to leverage K6 for robust performance testing, simulating user behavior through HTTP requests, and assessing system response by understanding performance metrics. The tutorial delves into configuring and executing checks, ensuring performance aligns with expected standards. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced performance testing professional, this guide equips you with practical knowledge to harness the full potential of K6 in performance testing. Click the link to embark on an efficient journey into performance testing with K6!

January 11, 2024 · 9 min · 1855 words · nao.deng

K6 Performance Testing Tutorial: Getting Started and Write your first k6 test script

This article will take you into the world of K6 performance testing. The blog post covers the introductory knowledge of K6 performance testing, environment setup steps, and how to write your first test script. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced performance testing professional, this tutorial will provide you with clear guidance to help you quickly get started with K6 and start building efficient performance testing scripts

January 9, 2024 · 6 min · 1099 words · nao.deng

Declaration Regarding Plagiarism of My Articles

This blog post is a statement on the plagiarism of my articles.

December 6, 2023 · 2 min · 255 words · nao.deng

API Testing Tutorial for Beginners: different frameworks and different development languages

This blog post compiles tutorials on API automation testing using various frameworks and programming languages, providing readers with comprehensive learning resources. It covers a range of popular testing frameworks and programming languages, enabling you to choose the best solution for your project. Whether you’re a developer in Python, Java, JavaScript, or any other language, and whether you prefer using REST Assured, SuperTest, or other frameworks, this collection will offer you in-depth learning guides to help you navigate the field of API automation testing with ease. A must-read resource to master the various tools and techniques in API automation testing.

November 29, 2023 · 5 min · 972 words · nao.deng

Postman API Automation Testing Tutorial Advance Usage common command line options and file upload

This blog post takes a deep dive into the advanced usage of Postman API automation testing, focusing on common command line options, file upload scenarios, and SSL certificate scenarios. Learn how to use common command line options to optimize the testing process and solve the testing challenges of special scenarios such as file upload and SSL certificate.

November 27, 2023 · 4 min · 724 words · nao.deng

Postman API Automation Testing Tutorial Advance Usage Data Driven

This blog post dives into advanced techniques for Postman API automation testing, focusing on data file driving and environment variable data driving. Learn how to elegantly perform test data driving and improve test coverage with external data files and flexible environment variables. The blog post will show you how to manage and utilize data in a smarter way to make test cases more scalable and flexible.

November 24, 2023 · 5 min · 889 words · nao.deng

Postman API Automation Testing Tutorial Advance Usage Common Test Scripts and Third-Party Packages

A deep dive into advanced usage of Postman API automation testing, focusing on commonly used test scripts and third-party package examples. Explores how to write powerful test scripts that cover a variety of testing scenarios and introduces some common third-party packages that optimize the testing process.

November 23, 2023 · 13 min · 2621 words · nao.deng