Common Assertions

The following is an overview of common assertions used by SuperTest, CHAI and Jest.

SuperTest’s built-in assertions

Supertest is a more advanced library built on SuperAgent, so Supertest can easily use SuperAgent’s HTTP assertions.

Examples are as follows:

.expect(status[, fn]) // Assert response status code.

.expect(status, body[, fn]) // Assert response status code and body.

.expect(body[, fn]) // Assert response body text with a string, regular expression, or parsed body object.

.expect(field, value[, fn]) // Assert header field value with a string or regular expression.

.expect(function(res) {}) // Pass a custom assertion function. It'll be given the response object to check. If the check fails, throw an error.

Common Assertions for CHAI

  • Equality Assertions
expect(actual).to.equal(expected) // Verify that the actual value is equal to the expected value.
expect(actual).to.deep.equal(expected) // Verify that the actual value is deeply equal to the expected value, for object and array comparisons.
expect(actual).to.eql(expected) // Same as deep.equal for deep-equal comparisons.
  • Inclusion Assertions
expect(array).to.include(value) // Verify that the array contains the specified value.
expect(string).to.include(substring) // Verify that the string contains the specified substring.
expect(object).to.include(key) // Verify that the object contains the specified key.
  • Type Assertions
expect(actual) // Verify that the type of the actual value is equal to the specified type.
expect(actual) // Same as for type assertions.
expect(actual) // Verify that the actual value is an instance of the specified constructor.
  • Truthiness Assertions
expect(value) // Verify that the value is true.
expect(value) // Verify that the value is false.
expect(value).to.exist // Verify that the value exists, is not null and is not undefined.
  • Length Assertions
expect(array).to.have.length(length) // Verify that the length of the array is equal to the specified length.
expect(string).to.have.lengthOf(length) // Verify that the length of the string is equal to the specified length.
  • Empty Assertions
expect(array) // Verify if the array is empty.
expect(string) // Verify that the string is empty.
  • Range Assertions
expect(value), max) // Verify that the value is within the specified range.
expect(value) // Verify that the value is greater than the specified value.
expect(value) // Verify that the value is less than the specified value.
  • Exception Assertions
expect(fn).to.throw(error) // Verify that the function throws an exception of the specified type.
expect(fn).to.throw(message) // Verify that the function throws an exception containing the specified message.
  • Existence Assertions
expect(object) // Verify that the object contains the specified property.
expect(array).to.have.members(subset) // Verify that the array contains the specified members.

For more chai assertions, see

Common Assertions for Jest

  • Equality Assertions
expect(actual).toBe(expected) // Verify that the actual value is strictly equal to the expected value.
expect(actual).toEqual(expected) // Verify that the actual value is deeply equal to the expected value, for object and array comparisons.
  • Inequality Assertions
expect(actual).not.toBe(expected) // Verify that the actual value is not equal to the expected value.
  • Inclusion Assertions
expect(array).toContain(value) // Verify that the array contains the specified value.
  • Type Assertions
expect(actual).toBeTypeOf(expected) // Verify that the type of the actual value is equal to the specified type.
  • Truthiness Assertions
expect(value).toBeTruthy() // Verify that the value is true.
expect(value).toBeFalsy() // Verify that the value is false.
  • Asynchronous Assertions
await expect(promise).resolves.toBe(expected) // Verify that the asynchronous operation completed successfully and return a result matching the expected value.
  • Exception Assertions
expect(fn).toThrow(error) // Verify that the function throws an exception of the specified type.
expect(fn).toThrow(message) // Verify that the function throws an exception containing the specified message.
  • Scope Assertions
expect(value).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(min) // Verify that the value is greater than or equal to the specified minimum.
expect(value).toBeLessThanOrEqual(max) // Verify that the value is less than or equal to the specified maximum.
  • Object Property Assertions
expect(object).toHaveProperty(key, value) // Verify that the object contains the specified property and that the value of the property is equal to the specified value.

For more Jest assertions, see